Selasa, 20 November 2012

The Birthday Gift

Maybe it'll be my late post bloggers.. want to know why? because my birthday was in September,26 but I start to share it today hahaha I feel it doesn't good news like before haha but doesn't matters it still something so much happy for me, I'm happy with that seriously. Yeah... this is some gift what I got in my birthday... do you want to know? I will share the picture... but again... sorry for my bad grammar, I have try my best hehe :)

Table lamp from Prima, Tika, Tiwi, Thary, Sarah, Lucky, Tulus, Gani, Rezza, Moosa, Rudy, Dayat, Rahmat

My favorite one from Lujeng, Novi, Mistin, Imel, Eka, Mita

From my Mother, though I got it before my birthday, haha rotfl.. I LOVE THE COLOR, MINT! thanks mom {}

I love it so much! snake pattern hm I just love it hehe this is from my aunty and my uncle. They're really love me, thx :*

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